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Find our Books of Remembrance series here in physical and Digital form

Book of Remembrance of Achee
Book of Remembrance of Enoch
Book of Remembrance of Ancient Grandmothers
Book of Remembrance of Melchizedek
Book of Remembrance of Moses

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Brotherhood of Christ Prison Ministries

We are happy to announce our new program. Inmates and families of inmates can request volumes of the Book of Remembrance to be sent free of charge to their inmate relatives and loved ones. For further information and how to help, click the link!

Prison Ministries Update

As of September 25, 2024 we have been supplying prison libraries with books nationwide. We contact the prison Chaplains to receive all the details it takes to send books successfully. The shipment is marked (FDOC Approved Course Material). Inside the Spanish edition there is a stamp with our address. Inside the English there is also a stamped address for testimonies and book requests including Jesus's View of His Father.

There are prison residents that request personal copies and we send them a book a month until they receive the full set. There have been some amazing testimonies. A resident that has been incarcerated for 44 years was told long ago by his mother that he would die in prison because he had two sentences. After he read our material, he realized that God loved him and he turned to God and did his best to do his repentance. He asked God if there is any way that he can be released. A few days later he said "he praised the Lord because his prayers worked". All our efforts in prison ministries would be worth that one letter. We have a stack of fulfilled requests. There are even cases where the prison chaplain is teaching from our books.

All of the books sent to libraries and for personal use are paid through donations. It's hard to place a value on what it means to these prisoners to learn that they can be forgiven and God is a God of Lovingkindess. Thank you very much for all your donations and please continue to give as you are able.