Book of Remembrance: The First and Second Books of Achee



Originally produced as The Sealed Portion of the Brother of Jared, volumes 1 & 2. This text is newly updated and corrected in a complete and combined printing. 702 pages including appendix. This volume is the first of what will be finally a four volume set of The Book of Remembrance that is prophesied in Malachi 3:16. The first two volumes are now in print – the second volume being The Book of Remembrance of Enoch. This volume is an interpretation of the Judgement Tablet. It is an account of ancient people, beginning at the time of the Flood and continuing on through the life of Christ, and concluding with prophecies beyond our own day. It contains the first eye witness account of the Last Judgment. It is a book for those serious about their inquiry into the nature of God.