PDF Book of Remembrance of Enoch the Essene Book of Hagi



The Book of Remembrance of Enoch -the Essene Book of Hagi is now printed in a black hardcover edition to match our other texts. In 2007, we printed the original hardbound copy for our use, and at the same time we published an abridged paperback copy that we made available to the public. At that time, there was a need to hold back the complete text because in it were instructions from the Lord to Enoch telling him how to divide the earth so that mankind would remain the objects of creation. The division of the earth by Enoch was permanent and never needs to be redone. The same can be said for the reaffirmation which occurred sometime after 2007. So because of this we feel free to now print the original complete text of The Book of Remembrance of Enoch – the Essene Book of Hagi, completely unabridged with all the historical instructions included for dividing the earth. The instructions to Enoch to divide the earth contained in this edition reveal a perspective of God’s intentions for the world. Those intentions are very different than the way our world is now – and much different than what people would anticipate. God expects each of us to have a very intimate relationship with His presence in creation. This volume also contains vital instructions for protecting the Lord’s people against spiritual attack during the oppression of the Tribulation times. An appendix has been added which includes specific information of how to implement those protections and personal assistance and righteousness.